Reporting Rarities
What should you do if you are fortunate to find a rare or unusual species of bird on Arran?
Click for a list of species to be submitted to Scottish and Local Record Committees
Here is a brief summary of what to do before, during, and after your encounter:
Have a fair knowledge of what birds are possible on Arran
Have a working knowledge of the names of the different parts of a bird's external anatomy
View the bird as long as is possible or reasonable
Be prepared with a small notebook …and use it.
Don't look at a field guide before or while taking notes
Take a photo or a video if at all possible
Tell the bird recorder for the Arran Natural History Society as soon as feasible
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Tell the bird recorder for the Arran Natural History Society as soon as feasible
Refer to reference material and consult "experts"
Write up a "Rarity Report Form" available as a word document download or contact the bird recorder for the Arran Natural History Society for a paper copy.
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