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Bird Sightings

Please send any bird notes with your news including “what, when, where” to me at info@arranbirding.co.uk . All contributions are welcome.  I am not just interested in rare or unusual birds, but common birds: where there are significant numbers of common birds, which birds come to the garden at different times of the year, where breeding birds have been seen, when our summer or winter  visitors have arrived or departed, and what sightings have given individuals particular pleasure.  Your support ensures that the basis of the annual Arran Bird Report is as comprehensive as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you.

For advice on Reportings Sightings
click the link

What's that bird?

For handy hints to help you identify your sightings, click the image of the bird.

To help improve your identification skills, these links to BTO's You Tube channel
, the  RSPB website and to Nord-Trøndelag University College website may be useful.

In addition if you are not sure about a bird identification but you have a photograph, please send it to info@arranbirding.co.uk
with where and when the photograph was taken.

The aim of "recent sightings" is to keep everyone, residents and visitors alike, up to date with what "unusual" birds are about

The aim of "monthly news" is to give everyone, residents and visitors alike, a flavour of birds seen each month on Arran

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