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Bird Sightings

The aim of this page is to keep everyone, residents and visitors alike, up to date with what "unusual" birds are about. Observers are asked to contact me on info@arranbirding.co.uk. The intention is to keep the page up to date so that others can benefit from the sharing of observations. In the event of rarities being found, further details will be required from observers.

arranbirding.co.uk has complete discretion as to what information is added to these pages. In particular, any details which might reveal breeding sites of vulnerable species will be excluded. No information will be published which may in any way put birds at risk.



Magpie On Sunday 23 March in the morning  there was a report of a Magpie by Gate Cottage on the Machrie Moor Road. While Magpie is widespread on the adjacent mainland, it is a vagrant here on Arran. There were no reports in 2024, eleven reports in 2023 ( one bird did an island tour in March) and two reports in 2022

Wheatear On Thursday 20 March  there was a report of three Wheatear on the shore at Sliddery, two males and a female. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor and passage migrant. Last year, 2024, the first report was on 17 March. The earliest Arran report was on 13 March 2005.
Swallow On the morning of Thursday 20 March  there was a report of a Swallow perched on an overhead wire on the road through Auchenhew on the south of Arran. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. Last year, 2024, the first report was on 7 April. The earliest Arran report was on 18 March 2019.
Ring Ouzel On the morning of Wednesday 19 March  there was a report of male Ring Ouzel in Glenree. This is the first Arran report this year of this scarce summer visitor. Last year there was only one report of Ring Ouzel, a male singing on Cir Mhor on 24 March.
Chiffchaff. On the morning of Friday 14 March  there was a report of Chiffchaff singing in Kingscrossy. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 18 March.
Manx Shearwater. On Friday 7 March there was a report of six Manx Shearwater off Kildonan. This is the first report this year of this oceanic species. It is the earliest ever report for Arran. The previous earliest report was 26 March in 2018. Last year the first report of Manx Shearwater was on 1 April. For more information on Manx Shearwater click here.
Surf Scoter. On Monday 3 March a female Surf Scoter was reported by Nathan Pickering and Lizzie Bruce with a group of Eider on the sea off Pirnmill. The bird was still in the same area on Sunday 9 March. Photos taken by Lizzie, in challenging circumstances, show the features of a female Surf Scoter, the big bulbous bill, the off white at the base of the bill and  behind the eye, and white on the nape. This large sea duck is a native of North America and this is only the second ever report of this species on Arran. For more information on the first report click here.
Long-tailed Duck. On Thursday 27 February there were reports of Long-tailed Duck in the same location, just off Pirnmill, as the report on 12 February. On Thursday 27 February there was a single male in the morning and a single female in the afternoon. For more information on Long-tailed Duck click here.
Long-tailed Duck. On Wednesday 12 February there was a report of a pair of Long-tailed Duck just off Pirnmill giving good views in the late afternoon. This is the first Arran report this year of this rare vagrant. Last year there was one record also in February, 11 February. It was also off Pirnmill. Last year it was a single bird, a female.
Red Kite. On Monday 10 February there was a report of a Red Kite flying over Brown Head. This is the first Arran report this year of this occasional visitor. There were eight reports in 2024 with three in February. The last Arran report was one over Brodick Country Park on 9 April 2024.
Barnacle Goose. On Wednesday 29 January there was a report of a Barnacle Goose on Cleats Shore with twelve Canada Geese. This is the first Arran report this year of this occasional winter visitor. There were no reports in 2024. The last Arran report was a group of thirty-three off Pirnmill on 6 June 2023.
Common Scoter. On Wednesday 22 January there was a report of a Common Scoter off Pirnmill. This is the first Arran report this year of this occasional  visitor. In 2024 there were nine records of Common Scoter.
Goldeneye. On Friday 3 January a female Goldeneye was photographed on Mossend Pond. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular passage migrant and winter visitor. The last Arran report was two males and a female on 15 December 2024 also on Mossend Pond. In 2024 there were only ten reports of this wintering species.
Purple Sandpiper. On Thursday 2 January there was a report of two Purple Sandpiper on the shore at Silver Sands, Kildonan. This is the first Arran report this winter of this regular passage migrant and winter visitor. The last Arran report was four on 9 April 2024 also on Silver Sands.
Goldeneye. On Sunday 15 December there was a report of three Goldeneye, two male and one female,  on Mossend Pond. This is the first Arran report this winter of this regular passage migrant and winter visitor. The last Arran report was two males on 10 February 2024 also on Mossend Pond. In 2024 there were only ten reports of this wintering species.
Snow Bunting. On Monday 2 December there was a report of two Snow Bunting on Ceum na Caillich on the northern mountains. This is the first Arran report this year. There were none in 2023 but there were eighteen reports in 2022. The last report was on Cir Mhor, also on the northern mountains, when there was one on 9 December 2022.

White-fronted Goose. On Monday 2 December there was a report of six White-fronted Geese in the Shiskine Valley. This is the first report this winter. The last report was of six birds in the Shiskine Valley on 22 February.  Last year there were six reports of this occasional winter visitor
Greenshank. On Sunday 1 December there was a report of a Greenshank at Cosyden. This is only the second Arran report this year. The first one was Wednesday 26 June in Catacol Bay.  Last year there were twelve reports of this uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor., mainly in the autumn.
Nuthatch. On Saturday 30 November there was a report of a Nuthatch in Brodick Castle Gardens. This is only the second Arran report this year of this colonising species. The first one was in Strathwillan on 30 January.  Last year there was only one record of this species which has been spreading north in recent years. More info here.
Tufted Duck. On Saturday 9 November from midday there was a male Tufted Duck and a male Shoveler on Mossend Pond. Tufted Duck is an occasional visitor to Arran. The last Arran report was a male on Mossend Pond on 26 June 2021.
Shoveler. On Saturday 9 November in the morning there was a report of a male Shoveler on the pond at Port na Lochan. Also from midday there was a male Shoveler on Mossend Pond. Shoveler is a rare vagrant to Arran. The last Arran report was a male by Fisherman's Walk on 24 May 2015.
Brambling. On Wednesday 30 October there was a report of one Brambling with 58 Fieldfare, 800 Redwing and 9 Mistle Thrush  moving through Sliddery in the first few hours of day light, all moving south west. This is the first Arran report this autumn of this irruptive winter visitor, not reported every year. The last report was two in Kildonan on 30 October 2023.
Fieldfare. On Wednesday 30 October there was a report of 58 Fieldfare with 800 Redwing, 9 Mistle Thrush and one Brambling moving through Sliddery in the first few hours of day light, all moving south west. This is the first Arran report this autumn of the regular winter visitor and passage migrant. The last report was one on Corriecravie Moor on 23 April.
Black-tailed Godwit. On Wednesday 23 October there was a report of a Black-tailed Godwit on the shore at Torrylinnwaterfoot. This is the only the second report this year of this uncommon passage migrant. Last year there were three reports from three locations all in the autumn.
Redwing. On Wednesday 9 October there was a report of twenty-three Redwing in Lochranza. This is the first Arran report this autumn of the regular winter visitor and passage migrant. The last report was two at Auchencar on 2 April.
Little Egret. On Thursday 3 October there was a report of a Little Egret on Cleats Shore. This is the first Arran report since one at Cordon on 20 June. There have been increasing annual reports since this species was first recorded on Arran in 2013. In 2020 there were twenty records and in 2023 there were one hundred and thirty-seven records.

Wigeon. On Thursday 3 October there was a report of six Wigeon on Cleats Shore. This is the first Arran report this autumn of the regular winter visitor and passage migrant. The last report was two at Clauchlands on 17 April.
Yellowhammer. On Sunday 29 Septembert there was a report of a Yellowhammer on the track between High Newton and Fairy Dell. This is the first report of this species, which used to breed on Arran, since one in Sliddery in April. Last year there were six records fron three locations with again none in the breeding season.
Pink-footed Goose. On Wednesday 25 Septembert there was a report of a skein of around fifty Pink-footed Geese flying over Kildonan. This is the first Arran report this autumn of the regular winter visitor and passage migrant. Other than the over-summering bird that hangs around Lamlash Bay, the last report of this species was a skein of around one hundred and fifty birds flying over Holy Isle on 24 April.
Brent Goose. On Monday 23 Septembert there was a report of a Brent Goose on the rocks in front of Whiting Bay Primary School. On Thursday 19 September there was a report of a single Brent Goose in Lamlash Bay. These are the first Arran reports this year of this occasional winter visitor. Last year there were three reports from two locations including a single bird in Sandbraes Whiting Bay from 15 -22 October.
Rook. On Saturday 21 Septembert there was a report of two Rook on Cleats Shore. The last Arran report received of this regular winter visitor was two on Kilpatrick Farm on 19 February this year . Last year there were twenty-six reports from nine locations.
Black-tailed Godwit. On Tuesday 27 August there was a report of a Black-tailed Godwit flying along the shore at Kilpatrick. This is the first report this year of this uncommon passage migrant. Last year there were three reports from three locations all in the autumn.
Bar-tailed Godwit. On Monday 26 August there was a report of a Bar-tailed Godwit flying along the shore at Kilpatrick. This is only the third report this year of this uncommon passage migrant and the first one this autumn. The last report was two in Auchenhew Bay on 2 May. Last year there were seven reports from six locations.
Sanderling. On Tuesday 20 August there was a report of four Sanderling at Blackwaterfoot along with  twenty-five Turnstone, twenty-one Ringed Plover and three Redshank, a sign that the annual migration of northern breeding birds is underway.
Turnstone. On Tuesday 20 August there was a report of twenty-two Turnstone at Dougarie along with ninety-two Ringed Plover, a sign that the annual migration of northern breeding birds is underway.
Golden Plover. On Tuesday 20 August there was a report of fifty-nine Golden Plover at Machriewaterfoot along with fifty-five Ringed Plover and eighteen Turnstone, a sign that the annual migration of northern breeding birds is underway.
Swift. On Sunday 11 August there was a report of a single Swift flying over Sliddery. This is only the third report received of this summer visitor this year. The last one was on 28 May over Mayish in Brodick. That was again a single bird. Last year I received fifteen reports of Swift on Arran including groups of up to fourteen. For more information on Swift on Arran click here.

Storm Petrel. On Friday 9 August there was a report of four Storm Petrel seen from the evening ferry from Brodick to Ardrossan. Two were within half and hour of the ferry leaving Brodick and two were further into the crossing. On 28 July there had been a report of a single Storm Petrel again seen from a boat on the sea between the Cock of Arran and Little Cumbrae. The last Arran record was in 2023. For more information click here. Before that the last record of Storm Petrel on Arran was ten years ago with two in Brodick Bay on 10 July 2013. Storm Petrel are around. Look out for them  in the late summer from headlands and while on the ferries. Flat calm  seas or days with strong on-shore winds are best. They are a special  bird.

Whimbrel. On Monday 15 July a Whimbrel was photographed on a shore in Kildonan. Whimbrel is a regular passage migrant, mainly in the spring. Last year of the fifty Whimbrel reports received. forty-seven were in the spring. Three were in July. These July birds are either non-breeding or failed breeding birds on their way from breeding grounds in the north in the north to wintering grounds in West Afica.
Kingfisher. On Monday 15 July there was a report of a Kingfisher in Brodick. This is the first Arran Kingfisher report this year. The last report received was on 27 December 2023 again from the Brodick area. For more information on Kingfisher on Arran click here.
White-tailed Eagle. On Friday 28 June two adult White-tailed Eagle were photographed moving through Machrie Bay. This is the fifteenth Arran report this year of this vagrant species. Last year there were nine reports.
Greenshank. On Wednesday 26 June a Greenshank was phographed in Catacol Bay. This is the first Arran report this year of this uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor. Last year there were twelve reports, mainly in the autumn.
Little Egret. On Thursday 20 June there was a report of a Little Egret feeding at Cordon. The last Arran report received was on 19 April at Carlo. This may be an indication of birds beginning to return from established breeding areas.
House Sparrow, an albino. On Monday 10 June an albino House Sparrow was photographed on the south of the island. It was pure white with an absence of colour in the bare areas and pink eyes. While over the years I have had a number of reports of leucistic birds of various species with varying amounts of white on the feathers, including all white birds , this is the first albino that I have had reported to me.
Knot. On Friday 31 May a juvenile Knot was on the shore in front of the Kinloch Hotel in Blackwaterfoot at early morning high tide along with other waders including Sanderling and Dunlin. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular passage migrant. The last Arran record was from Silver Sands on 21 October 2023. There were seven reports last year.
Little Stint. On Tuesday 28 May the Little Stint was, as yesterday, on the shore in front of Kinloch Hotel in Blackwaterfoot where it was photographed. To see some of the photographs taken and learn more about this long distance migrant click here. The bird was last reported on evening of Thursday 30 May.
Little Stint. On Monday 27 May a Little Stint was on the shore in front of the Kinloch Hotel in Blackwaterfoot feeding on rotting seaweed along with twenty Sanderling and eight Dunlin. The Little Stint was smaller. It was in breeding plumage while the group of  Dunlin and Sanderling had birds in breeding and in non-breeding plumage. This is the first Arran report this year of this uncommon passage migrant. The last Arran record of this uncommon passage migrant was twenty-two years ago in September 2002.
Swift. On Wednesday 22 May there was a report of two Swifts flying over Sliddery in the mid-morning. This is the first Arran report this year of this summer visitor. It does not breed on Arran but flies vast distances in search of aerial food. There were fifteen records last year. The first one was on 7 May.
Garden Warbler. On Monday 20 May there was a report of a Garden Warbler in North Sannox. This is the first Arran report this year of this scarce summer visitor. There were only three records last year. The first one was on 12 May.
Sanderling. On Sunday 19 May there was a report of fourteen Sanderling at Drumadoon Point. This is the largest group in recent years of this regular passage migrant. This is the third record this year. Last year there were twelve reports from six locations.
Spotted Flycatcher. On Tuesday 14 May there was a report of a Spotted Flycatcher at Whitefarland. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 18 May.
Bar-tailed Godwit. On Thursday 2 May two Bar-tailed Godwit were photographed on Porta Buidhe shore, Kildonan. This is the first Arran report this year of this uncommon passage migrant. The last Arran record was on 3 November 2023 on the shore at Lenamhor. Last year there were seven reports from six locations.

Sedge Warbler. On Sunday 28 April there was a report of a Sedge Warbler singing by Silver Sands in the morning and a report of one singing in Feorline in the afternoon. These are the first Arran reports this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was also on 28 April.
Whinchat. On Sunday 21 April there was a report of a Whinchat on Machrie Moor. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 11 May.
Whitethroat. On Sunday 21 April there was a report of a Whitethroat singing in Sliddery. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 28 April.
Tree Pipit. On Saturday 20 April there was a report of a Tree Pipit singing by Whiting Bay Golf Course. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 07 May.
Grasshopper Warbler. On Saturday 20 April there was a report of a Grasshopper Warbler reeling in Burrican by the Ross Road. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 22 April.
Whimbrel. On Thursday 18 April there was a report of three Whimbrel on the shore at Kildonan. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular passage migrant. For more information on Whimbrel on Arran click here.
Cuckoo. On Wednesday 17 April there was a report of a Cuckoo on High Newton. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 19 April.
Common Redstart. On Saturday 13 April there was a report of a Redstart calling at Largiebeg. This is the first Arran report this year of this scarce summer visitor. Last year there was one Arran report on 11 May.
Common Sandpiper. On Monday 8 April there was a report of two Common Sandpiper on Merkland shore. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 17 April.
Swallow. On Sunday 7 April there was a report of two Swallow in East Bennan. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 6 April.
House Martin. On Saturday 6 April there was a report of ten plus House Martin flying around the Lagg Hotel. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 11 April.
Sandwich Tern . On Wednesday 3 April there was a report of a Sandwich Tern resting on the shore in Whiting Bay. This is first Arran report this year of this regular passage migrant. The first Arran report last year was also on 3 April.
White Wagtail . On Wednesday 3 April there was a report of a White Wagtail on the shore at Porta Buidhe. This is first Arran report this year of this regular passage migrant. The first Arran report last year was also on 3 April.
Manx Shearwater . On Monday 1 April there was a report of five Manx Shearwaters in Whiting Bay. This is first Arran report this year of this regular passage migrant. The first Arran report last year was on 8 April.
Grey Plover. On Monday 1 April there was a report of a Grey Plover on Silver Sands, Kildonan between four o'clock and five o'clock. This uncommon passage migrant was photographed. This is the first Arran report of Grey Plover since there was one on Cleats Shire five years ago on 26-27 April 2019.

Sand Martin. Around midday on Monday 1 April there was a report of four Sand Martin flying along Kilmory Shore. This is the first Arran report this year of this regular summer visitor. The first Arran report last year was on 28 March.
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