Top Ten Garden Birds 2021

The last weekend in January 2021 was the weekend of the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch. This was the forty-second year of this event. Households not only took part in this survey of garden birds but some shared their results with me. This year there were thirty-five sets of Arran results sent to me, compared to twenty-two last year. This equals the highest ever total in the eleven years that I have done this.
While several gardens reported fifteen or more species, one household recorded one. In total thirty-one species were reported which is four fewer than last year. The following species were recorded last year but not this year Fieldfare, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Grey Heron, Lesser Redpoll, Mistle Thrush and Redwing. However, this year three gardens reported Blackcap. None were reported last year. In addition for the first time ever a Nuthatch was recorded in an Arran garden during the RSPB count. Comparing species that were seen in both years, Siskin went from being recorded in 45% of gardens in 2020 to 2% this year and similarly Goldfinch went from being recorded in 50% of gardens in 2020 to 25% this year. On the other hand, crows (Carrion and Hooded) increased from being recorded in 22% of gardens in 2020 to 34% this year.
This year Robin was reported in every garden except one in the survey, while Chaffinch had the largest total of birds, namely 328. House Sparrow had the second largest total, 272 and Coal Tit the third largest total, 109.
From the collation from all the gardens, the top ten birds this year in terms of the number of gardens in which they were seen are: Robin, Chaffinch, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, House Sparrow, Dunnock, Collared Dove and Crow(Carrion and Hooded). Crow replaces Goldfinch from the top ten for 2020. The first eight of these species have been in the top ten in slightly different orders for the last seven years.
For a collation of all the Arran data from the Big Garden Birdwatch for the last five years visit this webpage
While this information is interesting, too much should not be read into these small samples. It is a fun survey to do but it only covers one weekend in the year. If you enjoyed doing it, there is a garden bird watch that you can join that encourages people to record their garden bird sightings every week of the year, the British Trust for Ornithology Garden BirdWatch (GBW). To find out more about the BTO Garden BirdWatch visit the website