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February 2025

Bird Sightings
In terms of weather February was a much calmer month than January. This February in comparison to last February was colder and with less than half the amount of rain as last February, it was drier.
Long-tailed Duck was a highlight of February. On Wednesday 12 February there was a report of a pair of Long-tailed Duck just off Pirnmill, giving good views in the late afternoon. This is the first Arran report this year of this rare vagrant Arctic breeder. Last year there was one record also in February, 11 February. It was also off Pirnmill. Last year it was a single bird, a female. This year almost a fortnight later on Thursday 27 February there were reports of Long-tailed Duck in the same location, just off Pirnmill, as the report on 12 February. On Thursday 27 February there was a single male in the morning and a single female in the afternoon. For more information on Long-tailed Duck click here.
Continuing on from December and January records, in February there were forty-six reports of Little Egret records. Two were of three birds together, one was of two together and the rest were of single bird. For more information on wintering Little Egret on Arran click here. When Little Egret eventually do stay to breed, I anticipate that the heronries around the island could prove to be attractive.
Wintering visitors included: four Purple Sandpiper on Silver Sands on 8th, a Merlin in Kilpatrick on 9th, twenty-five Fieldfare in High Kildonan on 14th, a Rook at the entrance to Glen Rosa on 19th, fifty-five Redwing in Cordon also on 19th plus several reports of Blackcap dominating bird feeders in gardens round Arran. In addition, there were reports of Wren wintering in nest boxes including five Wrens in one box in Margnaheglish.
Wintering wildfowl continued to be present including; two Goldeneye in Sannox Bay on 8th, three hundred Greylag Geese in Feorline on 9th, one hundred and twenty Pink-footed Geese in Sliddery on 12th, 130 Teal in Torbeg on 20th, seventy -seven Wigeon in Torbeg on 21st, two Common Scoter in Machrie Bay on 24th and six White-fronted Geese in Torbeg on 25th
Other wintering flocks included: twenty Curlew on Cleats Shore on 6th, forty Oystercatcher in Catacol Bay on 9th, forty Jackdaw on Clachaig Farm on 13th, forty-two Lapwing in Torbeg on 15th, sixty-three Ringed Plover at Machriewaterfoot on 16th, thirty-two Turnstone at Blackwaterfoot also on 16th, one hundred and fifty Common Gull at Cordon on 18th, thirty House sparrow at Strathwillan on 22nd, fourteen Skylark on Sliddery Shore also on 22nd and fifteen Song Thrush by the children’s play park in Brodick on 28th.
Other interesting sightings included; one Kingfisher in South Carlo on 2nd, one Red Kite over Brown Head on 10th, two Dipper at Strathwillan on 11th, six Great Northern Diver at Pirnmill on 12th, six Reed Bunting at Kingscross Point on 15th, three Little Grebe in Loch Ranza on 18th, seven Black-throated Diver in Catacol Bay also on 18th, five Bullfinch by Mossend Pond on 22nd, six Common Crossbill at Kilbride Hill on 24th, and two Red-throated Diver at Pirnmill on 27th.  There were increasing reports of both Siskin and Lesser Redpoll at garden feeders and this trend should continue into March.
In February, there was one report of returning Gannet, three off Pirnmill on 6th, but no reports of returning Lesser Black-backed Gull. There were however some other signs of approaching spring including: Grey Heron carrying nest material in Brodick on 16th, Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming in Lagg on 18th, Song Thrush singing in Kilpatrick on 24th, Shelduck establishing territories on shores round the island including six at Porta Buidhe on 6th and numerous reports of garden birds checking out nest boxes.
March could see the arrival of some of our summer visitors like Wheatear, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Sand Martin, even Swallow and House Martin, but their arrival will be dependent on the weather. Keep an eye out for these migrants and let me know when you first see them.
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